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Les femmes artistes
Un leadership au féminin

“Je me suis toujours sentie coupable de me mettre en avant. J’avais l’impression que le milieu de l’art appartenait aux hommes et que d’une certaine façon j’envahissais leur territoire. »

Louise Bourgeois, artiste plasticienne.

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Etre une femme leader

Il y a moins de leader femme dans le monde que de leader homme et il y a moins de femme artiste que d’homme artiste. Prendre sa place en tant que femme n’est pas envisageable dans un monde

de l’art largement maîtrisé par les hommes.

Pourquoi est-il si difficile de penser le leadership au féminin? A travers le travail d’artistes femmes, nous verrons qu’un sillon proprement féminin apparait.

Pour ne pas envahir le territoire des hommes, les femmes artistes inventent de nouvelles

formes d’art pour imposer leur place.

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Les objectifs

  • Comprendre pourquoi le leadership au féminin questionne et est en construction.

  • Identifier les croyances limitantes liées au leadership des femmes.

  • Découvrir le processus artistiques de femmes extraordinaires et s’en inspirer pour inventer de nouveaux territoires d’actions.

Inside the creative process of the women artists

a feminist leadership

What will you learn ?


  • Study why is it so difficult for us to think about women leadership.

  • Deconstruct our vision of what leadership should be.

  • Understand the specificity of being a woman and a leader.

  • Be inspired by the destiny of those female artists willing to create a world of their own.

  • Translate those new territories into a wider reflexion on leadership in society.

When we think about leader and leadership, we don’t spontaneously think about women. Why is that?


In this conference, we will see how history and the way it has been taught to us, made women invisible. It is a challenge to change our narratives to turn women into the leaders they always been.

Artists have the power to make unconscious laws visible. Their work is to show, to express, to put right in front of our eyes what has to be seen.

By studying their process to turn ideas into matter, we will deeply understand how women leadership is way different from what we have been educated to believe. Is there a common ground in the leadership of women artists ?

The French sculptor Louise Bourgeois said that « as a woman artist, she always felt that she was invading a men territory. » She had to create her own.


Leadership for women often means creating a new approach, a new territory where men never set foot.

Abramovic with performance, Orlan with body art, Nikki de Saint Phalle with her beautiful Tarot garden, Prune Nourry with her scientific process and many others, will guide us through that exploration.

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